Fit to Live Australia

Fit to Live Australia


Fit to Live Australia

Fit to Live Australia


Haydens 12 week transformation

About Us

Fit To Live Australia was built on our 4 pillar structure. 

  • Education

  • Nutrition

  • Training

  • Motivation

Fit To Live Australia was started in 2013, where we’ve grown to the business we’re now, after seeing hundreds of people, we realised the high number of clients with personal trainers/coaches who weren’t getting the service/result they deserved along with no help or education to aid them in reaching their goal.


Calculate your one-rep max to find the most weight you can lift once for an exercise.

1RM Calculator
Enter number in Kilograms (Kg)

Calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) to find the amount of energy expended while at rest.

BMR Calculator
Enter number in centimeters (cm)
Enter number in Kilograms (Kg)

Calculate your Bodyfat% 

Body Fat Calculator
Enter number in Kilograms (Kg)

Calculate what your recommended muscle weight should be for your body type and height. 

Muscle Gain Calculator
Enter number in centimeters (cm)

Body type

5% BF

10% BF

15% BF

0% BF

Calculate roughly what you Total Daily Energy Expenditure is 

TDEE Calculator
Enter number in centimeters (cm)
Enter number in Kilograms (Kg)
Activity Level

Calculate roughly what your daily Macro’s should be for your desired goal!

Macro Calculator
What's your goal? *

Within that time we developed our online training & nutrition tracking software to help you which links to our 4 pillars to guarantee a result. We thought to ourselves and asked why aren’t clients getting results, that’s when we realised clients have lives and can’t spend 2 hours in the gym, 3 hours to meal prep, 8 hours of sleep, 1 hours of stretching oh and still work their 9-5. Therefore we have these pillars to ensure we give you the best educated chance possible to reaching your goal.


Why is education our first pillar – We chose education to be first because without it, we cant do what we need to properly so how are we able to achieve our goal when we’re not doing it right. In all of our programs we will education you on all the other pillars where when you finish your program you will have the confidence to go on and do more.


Nutrition is our second pillar because knowing and understanding nutrition values and how it affects the body is amazing. But so many trainers and people get it wrong. That’s where we step in. All of our coaches are qualified and educated to point you in he write direction.


Understanding Training is so important and is why you need to get it right. What I mean by that is making sure you have been properly taught on movement mechanics and prehab based off your lifestyle, because if you aren’t moving properly and activation the right muscles you’re only opening yourself up to injury or imbalances.


Why is motivation as our last pillar? Without the right type of motivation, or action cues you will be less likely to achieve your goal. We see the pillar as a very pivotal one. We will show you how to make sure you have the right systems in play to ensure you’re motivated to complete & achieve any goal you have.




one-on-one training with your chosen trainer, where we design a program and meal plan to suit you, and only you. We consider your current condition, time frame, body shape, exercise preferences and general lifestyle to build a training program that will help you achieve your health and fitness goals.



If you like group/team training and are looking to either get fit or loose weight. You will experience all different types of training from functional to bodyweight to boxing to running all outdoors



For those that just need help with programming and meal plan writing, our software build everything for you based off what you goal is.


fitness gear, shop

Get all your supplements and workout essentials all in the one spot! From protein to sock, we have everything that rocks!


If you are looking for Company/Team group training we can help you! We have worked with many business’ and sporting teams to help create better working environments and productivity or taken teams fitness to the next level.


Haydens 12 week transformation

10/10 challenge is a our own 10 week challenge. You lose more than 10kgs in 10 weeks you get the challenge for free! You will get access to all our bootcamps classes along with your own personalised meal plan and training program.


  • before & after photo
  • Haydens 12 week transformation


All of our clients get tailor made programs and meal plans to suit their lifestyle and goal. We make it as easy as possible for you to achieve your ultimate body

Do you want to be more confident in the the way you look and feel???

We're here to help you feel that way!

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